Salisbury City Council Budget Statement

Your Lib Dem City Councillors have worked hard over the last five months to offer a prudent, responsible, and sensible budget that continues all current services and enhances some.
Over the last four years Lib Dem Councillors have focussed on our commitment to the environment, introducing recycling bins, sustainable planting, and investing in solar power. We have worked hard to offer a lively city with a series of events, support for the arts, and well-maintained parks and play parks. We have supported the most vulnerable in our community via Salisbury Pantry, lunch clubs, and youth groups.
The hardest part of budget setting is balancing ambition with the ask to residents. This year we are asking households for an extra 35p a week* this year and aims to ask for no increased contribution by years four and five – whilst ensuring we responsibly meet our general reserves policy.
Your Lib Dem Councillors work hard on your behalf all year round they are there to support you and your families and look forward to continuing to work on your behalf after the elections in May.
*Based on a Band D household.